at the heart of it, it’s a structured way thinking. whether we are reframing projects using double diamond approach or our favourite: The Architectural Imagination.

Imagine + Understand = Sense Data

this is how we solve problems in a structured way, bringing order to chaos by coming up with creative concepts that can be executed as projects, products and campaigns spanning across the entire art and advertising spectrum.

we take each idea as a concept to imagine. we then question and reframe our understanding of the idea and it’s associated concepts, often venturing into rabbit holes that often yield to and exciting explorations and discoveries of what different executions of the idea and its associated concepts could and should be in order to engage with our different senses (sense data/execution).

this is often seen as an easy thing to do, as it’s innate in all humans - the ability to think things into reality - at neta studio we venture further by asking ourselves, is there: nothing else to add (sometimes take away) from our ideas and accompanying concepts and how these look, sound, taste, feel and even smell like in our current reality and how can we introduce something new, fresh, novel!

lets do some dope shxt!

lets do some dope shxt!